Здравейте, казвам се Зорница. Еос – Зората е част от
мен. Емоционално и сериозно всички текстове и снимки тук са мое дело. За това
моля ви, бъдете добри и когато копирате или цитирате нещо, просто посочете
източника или попитайте за разрешението ми.
Здравей , хубави снимки ..даже не знам как попаднах на тях. Исках само да питам за една от снимките къде е правена. Снимката до онази с камъчетата и пясъка. martinalex0503@abv.bg Всичко добро
I'm glad I stumbled upon your blog and read your passion for food and the story behind it. I love your blog from the first time I saw it! I like how you write about foods, making me feel "to love the food more." I've been visiting blogs everyday for I am always up for new and refreshing dishes for my small business. Recently, I've been engrossed in discovering and exploring wide varieties of recipes from Europe to incorporate in my business.
By the way, I have found a cooking competition that I think you might get interested in. It's about cooking your national dish. The stake? A chance to win an Ipad mini or money! I think you will be a perfect fit to represent Bulgary! =)
Here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/IngredientMatcher http://www.slideshare.net/IngredientMatcher/competition-from-ingredient-matcher-cook-your-national-dish-25773568
Goodluck! I hope to see you in the competition. Go girl! I know you can make it! =)
Здравей , хубави снимки ..даже не знам как попаднах на тях. Исках само да питам за една от снимките къде е правена. Снимката до онази с камъчетата и пясъка. martinalex0503@abv.bg
ОтговорИзтриванеВсичко добро
Благодаря :) снимката е от плажа Паралия Офриниу.
ОтговорИзтриванеHi Ms. Zornitca!
ОтговорИзтриванеI'm glad I stumbled upon your blog and read your passion for food and the story behind it. I love your blog from the first time I saw it! I like how you write about foods, making me feel "to love the food more." I've been visiting blogs everyday for I am always up for new and refreshing dishes for my small business. Recently, I've been engrossed in discovering and exploring wide varieties of recipes from Europe to incorporate in my business.
By the way, I have found a cooking competition that I think you might get interested in. It's about cooking your national dish. The stake? A chance to win an Ipad mini or money! I think you will be a perfect fit to represent Bulgary! =)
Here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/IngredientMatcher
Goodluck! I hope to see you in the competition. Go girl! I know you can make it! =)
Thank you, I'll check the competition :)